Advice for College Graduates

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Graduation season is upon us and whether you're graduating this year or in the years to come, it's a time of reflecting on our past decisions and preparing for our future. As you embark on your last months left of school and start the job search, make sure you've evaluated the successes and pitfalls of those who have come before you and take the advice of others around you - parents, friends, mentors, and professors.

This article offers good insight into some advice that well-known people were given when they started making career decisions. I like this article because it's succinct and the people mentioned are successful in various careers; so regardless of your major, you will hopefully find something useful.

If you read carefully, you will notice that all of the advice has an underlying theme - trust your instincts, but be responsible. This is my best advice for you when you graduate. Know what is best for you in your field, whether it's graduate school, extra training, a summer aboard, or lining up interviews. Then, come up with a game plan and stay optimistic about the process. The 'responsible' and logical component is equally important in the post-graduation equation. Plan and stick to a budget so that you're living within your means and still saving for a future. I like this article because it makes budgeting easy, not overwhelming.

Whatever advice fits you best, remember not to panic. This can be easier said than done when graduation looms but it's important to remember. Graduation is just the next step in life and there are exciting days ahead.

Amy M worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. Her strengths include: drafting speeches, writing talking points for media interviews, making corporate presentations, and writing for publications. Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.

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