How to Keep Your First Job

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Last week, I wrote about landing your first job after college. A seemingly simple process has become increasingly arduous since the economy has grown worse. Overall, the search for a job seems like a job in itself and it's easy to grow frustrated.

In my article, I mentioned that networking is the most important step to getting an interview. But what happens after you land that first job? Well, first, congratulations! Now, the real work begins.

I discovered a recent article about keeping your first job. Though many job seekers overlook this step, it's important to establish good habits right after accepting the offer. The article states that, "41 percent of employers reported they are hiring recent college graduates this year, up from 20 percent in 2010, according to a poll by the Society for Human Resource Management." This is optimistic news - but what do you do after landing the job?

The most important piece of advice I can offer that is also mentioned in this article is to learn from your mistakes. When you are new at a job (especially if there was limited training provided), you will make mistakes. You're only human, after all. Character is judged by how we handle ourselves in times of crisis. If you make a mistake, tell your supervisor. You are learning on the job and taking responsibility is a large part of the learning experience. Your manager will see you as someone who can be trusted and you will grow more competent with experience.

Also, find people at work who you want to emulate. You should look for people with a good work ethic and high productivity in their specific job. Please don't look for people who are the social butterflies but aren't known for anything else. It may take a while to feel like the job is a good fit, but that's normal.

Questions? Comments? What do you want to read about? Let me know!

Amy worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English and Social Studies teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. In her free time, Amy likes to practice yoga. She is a self-proclaimed 'American history nerd.' Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.

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