How to Land Your First Job

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Though summer is almost over, I hope panic has not set in if you're still job hunting. The truth is that it is normal for a job search to take a little while and summer has been notoriously slow for job seekers. Try to keep yourself busy and not over think it too much (I know that is easier said than done).

One resounding theme that I have found is that you must ask for help when searching for a job. This article gives great insight that may make you stand out in a sea of resumes. After all, if you have the same qualifications and grades as everyone else who is applying for the job, how does a hiring manager choose you?

The answer is simple: networking. Whether it's online or through other professionals, it WILL help your career get off to a great start. As this ABC News article states, job searching is hard when you have nobody in your corner. If you find a job posting that you are interested in, research the company and try to find the information of a person who can make a decision - either the Human Resources manager or a supervisor in your field. I suggest sending an email with your resume (and anything else that will make you unique). Even if it's not following typical protocol, the person at the company will remember you. You have nothing to lose.

In fact, many young people are too timid when it comes to searching for a job. Show your future boss that you are assertive and determined.

Questions? Comments? What are your job-hunting concerns? Let me know!

Amy Muldoon worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English and Social Studies teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. In her free time, Amy likes to practice yoga. She is a self-proclaimed 'American history nerd.' Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.

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