Should You Take a Career Test?

Nancy Anderson
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Not exactly sure what type of career you want to pursue when you graduate? Do not worry as you are not alone. That said, there are also a number ways for you to discover what career you are best suited for. One of the more interesting and informative ways to determine what type of career may interest you is to take career related self-assessment tests. After all, depending on the type of career test, you can determine what careers will best suit your personality, skill set, and interests. Interested in learning more about these helpful self-assessment tests? Read on to learn about some of the more popular career and personality tests.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – the MBTI is test that determines how you arrive at decisions and how you perceive the world in general. Originally developed in the 1920s, this test has been refined numerous times since this time period and career counsellors often prescribe this test to their clients.

The Strong Interest Inventory Test – this test measures your particular interests – and then compares your interests to people with the same interests – who also happen to be currently happily employed in their chosen professions. The test, itself, measures six different areas –such as Basic Interest Scales, General Occupational Themes, Occupational Scales, and Personal Style Scales.

Career Key Test – the Career Key Test allows you to discover your unique personality type. In turn, you can learn about the college majors, training programs, and careers that may be best suited for your particular personality type. This Wall Street Journal- featured test is an extremely popular one – and over twenty-four million people have completed this test since 1997.

Career Ability Placement Survey – this survey is unique in that this test actually tests your natural skill level in various subject areas. More specifically, you will answer questions in eight areas – including verbal reasoning, mechanical reasoning, grammar, and other areas – within a fifty minute time limit.

All in all, self-assessment career tests are an excellent way to help you find a career that will be both enjoyable and best suited for you. Have fun while completing these informative tests!

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Larisa Redins is a full time writer and editor with degrees in both Arts and Biological Science. She writes about career issues and other topics for a variety of international websites, magazines, and businesses.

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