The Danger of Focusing On Just One Job Options - The Power Of Playing The Field

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Keeping your options open is one of the best ways to increase the odds of finding the right opportunity for you and to keep your sanity during your job search. We all have heard the old saying about putting all of your eggs in one basket, and, during a job hunt, it is especially true.

When you think about other major decisions in your life, you took the time to examine several options and fought the urge to concentrate on just one possibility. Think about the times when you have:

  • Picked a college
  • Chose a major or a career field
  • Decided who to marry
  • Bought a house
  • Rented an apartment

With all of these decisions, you can see how choosing the way you did may have changed the course of your life. Having several options can give you confidence and the peace of mind in having weighed your choices. And, when it comes to where you are going to work, the stakes aren't any lower.

We have all had the experience of finding a job opening that seems perfect for us. You just don't want to let it get away. All of the focus goes into getting that interview and once the call comes, any other job offers get turned down, and the other interviews get canceled. This happened to me once. There was a job I wanted so badly that I could almost taste it. When the call came inviting me to the interview, I was ecstatic. The interview came, and it went well. I was passionate and enthusiastic, trying desperately to impress upon them how much I wanted this. If I had thought it would have helped, I would have gotten down on my knees and begged them to give me the job.

So, what happened? I would love to tell you that they were so impressed by my commitment that they gave me the job on the spot. But, I would be lying. They decided that while I might have been a good fit for the company, I seemed a little too desperate. Determination is a good thing, but in too high of a dose, it can scare an employer right out of hiring you and, when you don't get the job, it can crush your confidence and your self-esteem.

The point of your job search shouldn't be just to find that one job that is perfect for you, but rather it should be about making opportunities and generating new options. It is my experience that interviews, job offers and other opportunities come in groups of two or three. By being open to them, you are able to take the focus off of just one and increase your confidence by knowing that this isn't your only hope. It is like dating to find a husband.

When you keep the door open, and consider several options, the right choice will become obvious. Next time, I will tell you how to prevent over focusing and ruining an otherwise great interview.

What do you think about playing the field in your job search? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Are you looking for a job in Real Estate? Be sure to visit RealEstateJobSite.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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