The job search Part 7: The Job Fair

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Like I said in Part 6, I am currently working a part-time job; one that I truly like, will look good on my resume, and prepare me for the innovations in my field. However, I need to find a full time position, preferably, one that pays more, since this one pays very little.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for in this full time position.
  • Do I want something strictly in a financial sense
  • Strictly in a job training sense
  • Or both (ideally).


I haven't quite figured that out yet.

So...I'm going to a job fair!
There is one being held on the 26th of September in my area. I think it will be a good opportunity to familiarize myself with the companies that operate in my area. Plus, it's absolutely free.


They sent me an email, Wednesday the 21st, with a partial company list (I will get the full list Friday the 23rd) and pointers for the day in question.
Honestly, I just thought I would show up, browse the companies, and maybe drop off a resume or two, if I was in the mood. But this is a serious, professional, quality, event.
Here are some suggested pointers for me to follow:
  1. Look over and update my resume making sure it is error-free
  2. Print out at least 30 copies of said resume
  3. Create my "personal marketing pitch"
  4. Review the companies and prepare questions
  5. Wear professional attire


Most of this is commonsense and things I've even written about. Of course I will go in dressed to impress and confident. I shall introduce myself, look them in the eye, and give a firm handshake. Things I've done time and time again.


I plan to go to the companies I am most interested in and ask them specific questions about the position and the company. This is to let them know I've done my research. I won’t ask them things I should already know from looking at the website.
Never have I prepared a "personal marketing pitch," or so I thought. Some of the most "popular" questions employers ask on interviews are:
  • Why should we choose you?
  • Why are you the perfect match?
  • What would you add to the company?


Any combination of these is, essentially, your personal pitch. It is convincing the company that you are a valuable asset.
I plan to prepare something ahead of time but nothing too specific to any one position. This will allow me to mold it for each company. I'm a little bit nervous (can you tell?)... Although I'm more nervous about not finding any companies that interest me and/or positions!
There are 4 days and wish me luck! And stay tuned for the aftermath...
Click here to find a job fair in your area.
By: Samantha Taylor

Samantha is a Boston, Massachusetts native. Her studies have taken her from Ohio to England, and then Spain. She has lived abroad for more than 4 years. Currently, Samantha lives in North Carolina with her husband. She is a writer for Nexxt and contributes to one of its many blogs: In her spare time she loves to run and is training for a marathon. Check out her blog at:

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