To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo

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It seems the workplace appearance etiquette changes minute by minute. Popular trends help dictate the way people look in the workplace. One popular trend that has been around a very long time seems to always bring up questions though. Tattoos.

"Some of the earliest tattoos were tribal tattoos. This means there were tattoos that different cultural tribes would have for certain meanings and expression. Polynesian tattooing was one of the most original and artistic tattooing of ancient times. It consisted of very sophisticated, detailed geometrical designs. The Polynesian people would add more and more tattoos to themselves until their body was completely covered. They believed it was a sign of beauty and strength to be tattooed. Mexicans tattooed their idols and gods on their skin. The Spaniards who discovered the designs on the Mexicans, were shocked as they had never seen this work before and called it Ôthe work of Satan.Õ Warriors in these South American tribes were tattooed to remind them and others of their success and bravery in battle. In Japan, tattooing was mainly punishment. If you were a convicted criminal, you would get a mark on your forehead, convicted twice yet another, and if you were convicted a third time, you would receive a third and final mark making the Japanese symbol for ÔdogÕ. Royalty in England received tattoos from Japanese artists symbolizing wealth and authority." (source)
With such a diverse and long history, why are tattoos such a hot button issue still in the workplace? Through history tattoos evolved from symbols of power, beauty and wealth to a marking of danger, often associated with a criminal or nefarious activities. This often made them seem offensive to large portions of the population, however is there a difference between a childs name on your wrist and an angry tiger on your bicep?
Most people see tattoos as a form of artistic self expression. Used to show the tattooed person's appreciation or devotion to or of a specific item, person, or idea. Tattoos are no longer primitive black ink drawings done in back rooms and basements. They are beautiful, colourful works of art. Tattoo shops are front and center on main streets, in hotels and people travel from all over the world to have their favorite artists make a permanent mark on their skin.
So back to the workplace. When I spoke to people about tattoos in the workplace the answers were largely the same from many different career people.
"As long as it is tasteful and not offensive (it's ok)" - Melissa, Chef/Baker
"Depends on the job but I still say not if they're huge and obvious" - Evan, Journalist
"Depends on the workplace and 'body expression'. A small nose-ring would be fine where I am, visible, offensive tattoos, not." - Devon, City Administrator
These answers bring up another question though, who determines what is considered "offensive"?
Another point was brought up by Michelle that I found interesting - "They (those with tattoos) don't get any discrimination protection, so it's at the discretion of the employer."
Should non-discrimination laws protect personal artistic expression in the workplace?
Are we moving towards a more accepting working world? Will we one day see doctors delivering babies with full forearm tattoos? Police officers with neck tattoos? Business women with bright designs on their calf?
How do you feel about tattoos in the workplace?
By Jodi Sonoda
Jodi has been blogging for over 3 years, and is excited to currently be blogging with Nexxt for She also has her own mini and micro biography writing business and creates unique fascinators in her spare time. She is attached to the internet at the hip and enjoys the constant connection. She spends most of her offline time playing dolls and reading picture books with her three year old. You can also occasionally find her rocking the mic at karaoke night.

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