Why Hiring Active Candidates is Good for Business

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To build a successful business, you must develop a hiring strategy that enables you to recruit hardworking, loyal, effective employees. And for that, you should consider hiring active candidates.

Active candidates are sending out their resumes to multiple companies and building their network. There’s a common misconception that these candidates may be unemployed or between jobs because they couldn’t function in their previous role. But that is rarely the case. 

Here are the reasons why hiring active candidates is good for business:

They are More Motivated 

Active candidates are eager for a fresh start at a new company. Their enthusiasm will benefit your business if you value a worker with a good attitude and a strong will to learn. 

They are More Readily Available 

Active candidates are able to reply quicker to job ads and are usually ready to start as soon as possible. This will benefit your business if you have urgent hiring needs. Active candidates usually have shorter notice periods, they come prepared and willing to transition into their new role, saving you time. 

They Have Lower Recruitment Costs

Recruitment takes time and money, resources that are vital to every business. Focusing on active candidates gives your company an economical advantage because they are more readily available and willing to start sooner.

There are Many of Them to Choose From

Active candidates make up about a fourth of the workforce. That may not seem like much, but you must consider that these are still millions of people who are actively seeking to be hired. Take the initiative to reach out to these candidates by posting job ads and hosting hiring events. You’re likely to have a large number of people come to you,and increase your chances of finding people who fit your employment needs.

How to Attract Active Candidates

Now that you know the benefits of hiring active candidates, here are some tips on how to develop your recruitment strategy to attract and retain them. 

  • Optimize Your Job Postings: You want your job ads to offer what active candidates are looking for. Ensure that your job descriptions are clear and concise, detailing the responsibilities and daily activities of the position. List any employee benefits and growth opportunities your company offers. Highlight the company’s culture. These items will intrigue candidates and entice them to apply and they might stay with the company for many years. 
  • Simplify the Application Process: Active candidates are usually applying to multiple companies. Make it easier for them to apply by limiting some of the information they must provide. Don’t omit anything vital. But perhaps scaling back on some things can help. 
  • Use Social Media and Job Boards: Most active candidates spend most of their time on popular websites like Linkedin, and job sites like Nexxt. Have a strong presence on these types of platforms to increase the likelihood of engaging potential applicants

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