Your Career-No Man Is An Island

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Are you someone who likes to ask for help or someone who prefers to do everything alone?  What's the difference? One way makes your career easier and the other prolongs the process if you are having a problem. Can you guess which one?


Ask yourself this, "If someone asked you for help, would you help them?" Most people would say yes. So, if you are ok helping someone else, why wouldn't you let someone else help you?


No man (or woman) is an island. We are not meant to reach our goals alone; we are meant to be successful through the assistance of others. Imagine the possibilities if you let this thought sink in. Your entire career (and life) could be completely transformed. And, you would have a pathway to solving your problems and reaching your goals.


So, How Can You Ask For Help In Your Career? Follow These 3 Steps Below.


1. Tell Yourself That Asking For Help Is Ok


Most people do not like to ask for help. We like to do everything on our own and prefer to tackle challenges without assistance. We view ourselves as strong and asking for help as weak. We worry how we will be viewed if we ask for help. Maybe our request will bother the person we are asking or paint us in a negative light. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it means we have thought through an idea or challenge and were not able to solve it alone. It means it's time for someone else (besides ourselves) to help with the process. The cliché, "two heads are better than one," has been around for many years for a reason. Help makes everything easier.


2. Recognize That Help Is A Good Thing


Help means your career challenges will be solved quicker. Imagine no longer having to struggle on your own anymore. Imagine no longer having only one perspective. Imagine no longer needlessly worrying about what is going to happen next. You could have champions on your side who believe in you and want to help. Even if the person you asked for help could not help you, you would have a sounding board to listen to your ideas. And, a second pair of eyes and ears is vital when you are in a situation that may be hard or overwhelming for you.


3. Asking Makes You Courageous, Not Cowardly


It takes courage to ask for help. You don't know what the other person is going to say. You are taking a leap of faith. You are opening up your heart and your mind to another person in hopes of getting resolution. This means your goal is important to you and you are committed to achieving it. You are done being afraid and confused. You are ready to take action to move forward despite the uncertainty. That makes you courageous: going for what you want and leaving fear behind; leaving what someone may or may not think about you behind; letting go of how you may (or may not) be judged. Courage to ask for help is what will make you successful. Courage will help you reach your goals. 


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