Five Tips for Having a Successful Phone Interview

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More and more employers are deciding to interview candidates over the phone, especially if the prospective employee lives in another city or state. Telephone interviews have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Even though a phone interview may seem easier than a regular interview on the surface, it can actually be quite hard. You have to successfully project your personality without having the advantage of face-to-face contact. You must rely solely on your voice to make a connection with your interviewer. However, if you properly prepare for the interview, you have the advantage of being able to have notes right in front of you, and you have the comfort of familiar surroundings. As well, most tips that can be applied to face-to-face interviews can also help you in telephone interviews. That being said, there are some extra things that you can do to ensure a successful phone interview. So here are some tips to help you gain success in a phone interview. 1. Eliminate distractions. Make sure you are in a quiet place away from people, TV, pets, etc. If you have a home office, use it and close the door. Not only will these things distract you, but the interviewer may also hear them through the phone and find them distracting or, if they hear a TV for instance, wonder how seriously you are taking the interview. So, by eliminating distractions you will be able to keep 100% focused on your interview. 2. Make a conscious effort to be energetic and smile while speaking. This will project into your voice and make you sound warmer and friendlier. Your goal should be to convey to the interviewer that you are an upbeat and outgoing person. In a phone interview, all an interviewer has to go on regarding your personality is your voice. So you want to convey your enthusiasm, professionalism, optimism, and friendliness through the phone. Also, pay close attention to your tone because a note of irritation or frustration in your voice will be much more noticeable over the phone. 3. You are apt to get a lot of scripted questions in a phone interview, so try to answer each question in a way that is specific to that industry or position. Your goal should be to show how your set of skills and work philosophy will benefit the specific position. So during your preparation, read up on the company to find out their goals, objectives, and mission. During your interview, you can also have notes on the company and industry in front of you to utilize when necessary. 4. Try to make a personal connection with the interviewer. This can seem harder over the phone but is necessary to make a lasting impression. You are trying to market yourself to the interviewer, so try to talk about how your specific skills and personality will solve any problems that the company is facing or how you will fit in with the culture. Attempt to change the tone of the interview from a question-answer situation to a discussion of the present situation of the company and what you can bring to the table to improve things. 5. Be confident and leave the interview with an open invitation to continue talking. Express interest in continuing the conversation at a later date. This will help the interviewer to remember that they will want to get to know you better. If you follow these steps it is likely that you will successfully set yourself apart from the other prospective applicants.

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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks for sharing your experiences. Phone interviews can be especially tricky, because you can't see the person you're talking to and judge how they are feeling. However, on the other side, a phone interview allows you to just be you and not worry about what they think about your gender, your hairstyle, your age and so on.
  • Richard D
    Richard D
    Good article, I found it relevant and informative.
  • Elizabeth W
    Elizabeth W
    Very helpful, hope to use the clues in my next telephone interview.
  • Valerie H
    Valerie H
    Very helpful tips .  Thanks for sharing will be using them in the near future.
  • Glenice R
    Glenice R
    Very helpful phone interview tips regardjng personalizing the conversation.
  • Paul D
    Paul D
    I agree that connecting with the interviewer is crucial. I totally blew my first phone interview a couple of months back. I was WAY too serious and over focused on facts and getting my strong attributes across. Had another one yesterday - much better, being relaxed with a lighter tone, smiling. I expect to make the next round.
  • joseph b
    joseph b
    Great tips! Thank you for your insight. But at the end of the phone interview when asked ( do you have any questions?) What would be a good  closing statement to help them remember you? Something like : (Not at this time but, I can't wait to meet you in person!)
  • Shirley j
    Shirley j
    how do you answer the question...what are your weakness?
  • LOLA P
    LOLA P
    The 5 tips are good and very helpful, i use them for my last interview.
  •  Grady P
    Grady P
    I was really interested in this process as I may be having a phone interview for a pastoral position,
  • Mamman A
    Mamman A
    I really learn a lot from the five tips. I am ever ready to improve from what I learned. I hope you would not relent in your effort to continue guiding us.More grease to your elbow.Cheerio.
  • Charise S
    Charise S
    Great tips! I believe a lot of people forget when talking on the phone it's best to smile which really does translate to a positive tone via phone.
  •  Kenneth L L
    Kenneth L L
    Yes, stay to the point of the interview but don't over elaborate.  Too much info can distract & be non-professional.  Be personable but not curt.                               A well written guide.
  • Michelle M
    Michelle M
    Your articles are insightful, well written and extremely helpful. Very grateful.Michelle
  • Jillian S
    Jillian S
    Thanks for the article very helpful.
  • Bisrat W
    Bisrat W
    Thanks it is very useful
  • Tess D
    Tess D
    The tips are insightful. Someone who has had experience working with customers over the phone will certainly use these tips to their advantage. It would be nice to have a mock phone interview recorded to listen to your tone. You may be prepared, but your tone can make or break it for you. If anyone knows of any available technology to  record your voice, please do share. I am computer savvy, but not that savvy.
  • Michael C
    Michael C
    Very impressive I like that and I will keep in mind ofAll the key points in this article for my next phone Interview.
  • Matthew S
    Matthew S
    Very helpful and realistic.  Many can benefit from those few yet esential points.  
  • Terry S
    Terry S
    Pretty good
  • Michael P
    Michael P
    I have used this method for all phone interviews and they work. The advice given is crucial to obtaining the next step especially if you qualify. If not your opportunity for another position will be recognized, (just ask for it) because staying focused and answering in a knowledgable and polite way will help you be remembered. If not this position, maybe the next one. Example: "Pleae keep posted on any new opportunities".
  • Ginger C
    Ginger C
    This was a helpful article...I wish I had read it a week ago. I did my first phone interview and now know why I did not get a call back!  Making a connection with the caller and really promoting your skills & fit for the prospective agency is very important. I was so worried about answering the specific questions I did not focus on connecting with the interviewer. Next time will be better! Thanks for the tips
  • Cesar G
    Cesar G
    really interesting information
  • Victor I
    Victor I
    The 5 tips are indeed an eye opener to a possible future telephone interview, I like this.
  • Amy N
    Amy N
    Great tips.

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